Dimieari Von Kemedi is the Managing Director of DW Agriculture and a member of the International Advisory Council of APQ Global, an emerging markets focused AIM listed investment firm. As Managing Director of Alluvial Agriculture Kemedi helped to design the community block approach to supporting smallholders in primary cultivation
of staple crops. Kemedi co-founded DW Agriculture to extend this work to vegetable farming, animal husbandry and aquaculture. Kemedi has previously worked in community development, nature conservation and conflict management. He has served in a number of senior level expert and consulting positions, including with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the UN Panel of Experts on Liberia, Statoil and the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. Kemedi holds a degree in law from the Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt, and was Environmental Politics Visiting Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley.

Simon Petley joined the Advisory Board of DW Agriculture to assist the firm in adopting environmental best practices. Simon has spent 20 years working in and around capital and environmental markets in the City of London, spanning a range of roles and products. A passionate believer in the promise of market based solutions, his early experience working
as a carbon broker in the pilot phase of the EU Emission Trading Scheme inspired him to co-found an environmental markets and finance advisory business, EnviroMarket Ltd, in 2006. Seizing an early opportunity to work on large scale funding solutions for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) the firm quickly established itself as a thought leader and innovator on capital market funding solutions for sustainable land use. Simon has worked with a wide range of investors, development agencies and conservation groups, most recently leading the implementation of Trillion Trees, a £5m NGO partnership to catalyse private funding for the avoided loss, restoration and protection of trees in Tanzania, Colombia and Brazil, on behalf of WWF UK. Simon holds an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London and a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Kingston University in Surrey, is an Advisor to the Climate Bond Initiative, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Manufacturing (RSA).